

2017-03-03 KooFa 固法同行

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产业集合 联盟启航


王牌CP 强势发糖


联盟出击 斗志昂扬


无畏风雨 固法同行


GTI-KF Allied, IPR Ensured

Recently, Guangdong Toy Industry Intellectual Property Alliance (GTIIPA) is officially founded, which is initiated by Guangdong Toy Association, KooFa Law Firm and relevant toy companies.

Close Alliance

With the gradual implement of the Patent navigation pilot project in Guangdong and nationwide, coupled with the creation of the specialized service platform for promoting public entrepreneurship as well as innovation, also against the backdrop of advocating the in-depth integration of IP rights and industrial development, GTIIPA is devoted itself to protect the interest & benefit of the whole industry in Guangdong and targets at IP rights. GTIIPA is a voluntary coalition that based on the integration and strategic application of the IP rights in the Toy industry.

Powerful Combination

As a major initiator and core member of the GTIIPA, KooFa has more than 10-year legal service experience in the field of IP. Furthermore, there are many years of cooperation between KooFa and the industry benchmark, namely Guangdong Toy Association, including several successful rights protection service provided by the former for the latter in the area of IP. This time, it is a mighty advantage for the GTIIPA that these two could unite once again.

Quick Action

KooFa’s lawyers set off to an exhibition for patent rights protection on GITTPA’s behalf instantly the establishment assembly ended, which presents Koofa’s determination and confidence.

Never Give Up

For KooFa, the establishment of GTIIPA is both honor and duty. The mission has called already. KooFa would like to make every effort to fight for the GTIIPA.

